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League Public Website and the League Table

In order to view your leagues public website and league table you will need to have enabled your league website, you can do this by going to the LEAGUES AND COMPETITIONS > SCHOOL LEAGUES, select your chosen league and then click on the EDIT DETAILS button.

Edit Details

This will take you to the League Editor, please note it is the same form as when you created the league.


Firstly you will need to ensure you’re happy with the domain name – we recommend making it unique, including your school name and the year the league is taking place, this will mean that you will not run out of domain name options as each domain name can only be used once. The domain name will then create the website:

When you’re happy with your domain name you can then change the PUBLIC SITE ACCESS to Enabled.

Enable the website

You will then find all event information and league tables on the League Website, you can share this with school staff, students and parents so everyone can keep an eye on your school league.

Previous House League Event Creation Criteria
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