Creating a club / activity

When creating a club / activity you can do it from two places, please note we highly advise you use the new platform (console.squadintouch) however this guide will also discuss how to add a club via our other web platform (app.squadintouch)

  • Firstly go to the website console.squadintouch > Click on the ‘Clubs section’ then click ‘Actions’ > ‘Add club’
  • from here you can then fill out the form, a few things for you to note;
    • Ensure you input the correct year group and gender(s) for all students you would like to attend
    • When selecting multiple age groups use the Shift button or ctrl on your keyboard
    • Ensure you have added venues into your Squad in Touch system to ensure you can add the location of your club
    • If you would like staff members to be notified of club details and you would like to link them to a club, then do so in the form.
  • Once you have completed the form you can then continue and proceed to the next stage of sending booking forms or adding students to the club