User Guides for Schools, Parents and Students
Clubs & Extracurricular Activities
Clubs & Extracurricular Activities
Adding Clubs
Adding students to the club / activity without sending booking forms
Creating a club / activity
Attendance & Registers
Adding / Removing a student from a register
How do I mark a register
Activating a club
How are registers created
Priority options
Booking form responses and adding students to clubs
Who can respond to booking forms
Booking form templates
Sending booking forms for multiple clubs
Sending booking forms for an individual club
Changes & Cancellations
Cancelling a Club / Activity
Adding / Removing a student from a register
Changing Club / Activity details
What information can I change when a club is active?
Communicating Club Event Changes
What do users receive notifications for
Who receives notifications
Platform Overview
Who can view clubs / activities
Who can create clubs / activities
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