Invite status
Invite status
You will be able to see the status of each school from app.squadintouch. Go to ‘Tournaments’ > find your chosen tournament and click ‘Edit’ > ‘View’ from the ‘Participants’ tab you will be able to see the status of schools, providing you have auto-enrollment turned on, any school that accepts will be automatically placed on the tournament until there are no spaces left (if you limited the number of spaces).
- Accepted – they have either accepted your invitation or booked on via the public website
- If they are accepted and in the left box they are on the tournament
- If they are accepted and in the right box they are on a waiting list
- The time and date stamp reflects when they booked on to the tournament
- Declined – They have declined your invitation
- The time and date stamp reflects when they declined your invitation
- Not sent – they have not had an invitation sent to them, reasons for this could be;
- They have not got a member of staff with a Squad in Touch account
- You have not sent invitations because you are relying on them booking on via your public website
- Pending – You have sent a invitation and they have not yet responded