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What role do I need to sign up with?

What role do I need to sign up with?

Admin – Schools first user and anyone who is a senior member of staff who will be managing the background working of the schools account.
Manager – Anyone who is a senior member of staff who will be managing the background working of the schools account, however won’t be managing the way in which the public website works.
Teacher – Anyone who will be involved within fixtures and will not need to manage anything within the background of Squad in Touch, also can be used for anyone who manages specific events and doesn’t need to see any other events / fixtures.
Coach – For an external coach within the school, anyone who manages specific events and doesn’t need to see any other events / fixtures.
Parent – If you are the parent or guardian of a student who attends the school, a student can have as many users linked to them as needed Student – Anyone who attends the school as a student.

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