Public website settings

‘Tournaments’ > Choose your tournament > ‘Edit’ > ‘View’ > ‘Public site settings’

Setting NameDescription
Publish tournament on school union’s websiteYes – it will appear on the public website / No – it won’t be on your public website
Highlight tournamentThe tournament tile will appear at the top of the tournament, we recommend you only have 3 – 5 tournament highlighted at any one time.
Tournament’s public website accessDisabled – The tournament won’t have its own website / Enabled – The tournament will have its own website / Protected – The tournament website will be accessible via a password.
Allowed for following on the mobile appParents, students and staff members can follow the progression of the tournament on their app
Tournament’s public website domain nameIf you would like the tournament to have it’s own website you will need to create a domain name;
Tournament’s public website external
Photos available on tournament’s websiteAny photos added to the tournament can be put on the tournament website
Text of disclaimer on tournament’s websiteFree type box for you to input your own text if needed.
Csv result availabilityAbility to download the results in a Excel document
Public Bigscreen Site AccessDisabled – The tournament won’t have its own big screen / Enabled – The tournament will have its own big screen / Protected – The tournament big screen will be accessible via a