From time to time you may need to assign additional roles to the user; eg. add a role of a coach to the user with a Manager role so that they can switch between all school events and events they have been linked to; link a user with a parental role to another child etc.You may also need to change a role for a particular user, for instance, make them a School admin rather than a Teacher.Please be aware that if you need to replace a current user’s role you need to assign a new role first and then revoke the one that needs to be removed. Otherwise, a user will just disappear from your account as they won’t have any roles within your school and you won’t be able to assign them a new role. If this happens please get in touch with our support team and we will be able to help you.
To add a role for a user you will need to go to the Users >All users and then the contacts tab, find a user and select “Add a role” action. You can also assign reg forms and/or houses which relevant members of staff are responsible for. Also, when you are adding a Coach role you will be able to specify activities/sports permitted for this user.
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