Adding results for different types of events

The results you add can different based on the event type you selected;

  • A normal event, this should be scored in a normal way, please note that some timed events will appear in SS.CC others in MM.SS.CC so please ensure that you take note of this you will need to ensure that you input the time correctly in an MM.SS.CC event you will need to put it 00.53.12, please ensure you put 0’s where you’re not inputting numbers.
  • MT events (mini tournament) – these are scored based on positions rather than number of points / goals / times so 1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd etc.
  • T events (Tournaments) score them as you would a normal event.

To add scores you can do this one of two ways;

> Via the Squad in Touch app – this is great if you’re adding scores live from the event.

  1. Click into your chosen event
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner
  3. Select ‘Close Event’
  4. Input the scores for both teams by flicking between the two tabs
  5. Save

> Via the Squad in Touch website

  1. Click into your chosen event
  2. Click on the ‘Actions’ button
  3. Select ‘Close event’
  4. Input your scores for both teams
  5. Save